Thursday, June 17, 2010

I have died dark brown hair, and i want it blOND.sADly saLONS NEVER HELp me. WATS THE BEST THING THA

my hair is naturaLly bLOND BUT I DIED IT BLack and I TRIED MAKIN IT Blond again on my own. i used born again blOND MAXI. I HAD BROWN RED ORANGE YEllOW GOld and my roots were white. so i died it dark brown then eventuaLly I GOT IT PROF died BLond. weLl i got tired of bLOND so i died it dark brown. i had redied the underneath bLOND MY SElf twice Also. the first time i used radicaL Bleach from saLLys it tottally killed my hair. the 2 time i used clAIROl FROST AND TIPS FOR DARK HAIR IT WORKED BUT I HAD TO USE IT TWICE. now im curious if i use cLairoL BORN BLond with uLTRA Blue twice then dye it a bLOND IF I WIlL HAVE NICE Blond hair again.

or is there a way i can get bLOND ON THE TOP HAlf and lEAVE THE UNDERNEATH DARK..any seggestions????

I have died dark brown hair, and i want it blOND.sADly saLONS NEVER HELp me. WATS THE BEST THING THAT WORKS?

Color cannot lighten color so the only thing that will give you blonde hair again is bleach.

I have died dark brown hair, and i want it blOND.sADly saLONS NEVER HELp me. WATS THE BEST THING THAT WORKS?

Are you typing with your feet?

I have died dark brown hair, and i want it blOND.sADly saLONS NEVER HELp me. WATS THE BEST THING THAT WORKS?

please go to a salon or a professional to do this u will end up either frying your hair or turning it green or some other weird colour. u may not get it back to the origional blond but they can get as close as possible. tell them what u want to have done and if they can't help keep trying until u find one that will.

another thing please stop typing like that its really hard to read.

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