i relaxed my hair again after only the tips of my hair were relaxed....after awhile i started using hairspray everyday and blowdry my hair , at times i would sleep with hairspray in my hair not knowing the dmg it would cause. Several days after i notice my hair getting thinner and smaller in quantity. Now it's like really thin and the light passes through easily..my hair only seems full in the sun now.. I think a major factor that affected my hair was leaving my hairspray in while i slept. Now i wash my hair everyday and get the hairspray out. I use hair tonic afterwards leaving it in. I've heard that if your hair isnt coming out in clumps then your hair should be ok. Plus when hair falls out new hair regenerates in its place. Is their anyway to keep hair from thinning and to prevent it from falling out so easily? Especially when wet. Someone please offer their knowledge! :D
I relaxed my hair twice, apply hairspray everyday and blow dry, what to do to keep from thinning?
Your hair is thinning because you've put a lot of chemicals in it and you use alcohol on it. Your hair is screaming at you right now to stop straitening it, stop using hairspray and give it some moisture. You need to put some kind of moisturizing cream in it and keep away from the blow dryer and hairspray for a while. You might have to sacrifice the typical hairstyle that you prefer for a while so you can help restore some of the health to your hair. You can also buy those hot oil treatments at the store, they are really good for your hair. But your hair is so processed and dried out that you need to take some steps to restore the health or your hair will fall out! It happened to my cousin. Her hair was thinning very badly. She did what I told her and her hair is fuller and more healthy now!
I relaxed my hair twice, apply hairspray everyday and blow dry, what to do to keep from thinning?
Apply hot cocnut oil mixed with a squeeze of lemon.its herbal remedy. it works well trust me.and keep it for 30 minutes before bath
I relaxed my hair twice, apply hairspray everyday and blow dry, what to do to keep from thinning?
Don't try so many treatments, they damage your hair. Oil massage, a proper diet with enough proteins and reducing stress can prevent hair loss. More cheap home remedies at http://www.wellnesstalk.org/hairfall.htm...
I relaxed my hair twice, apply hairspray everyday and blow dry, what to do to keep from thinning?
Try not to use so much chemicals %26amp; stuffs on your sensitive hair.
It needs air %26amp; natural syampoo.
For your diet (food daily supplement). You can try to drink more water, take black sesame with honey powder 1-2 teaspoon, eat it with anything you want e.g. bread/porridge/tea/salad, besides plenty of fruits helps too.
Massage your head before you sleep. A good 10-15mins helps.
Short Exercises %26amp; try not to always stress yourself out.
Do no dry %26amp; comb your hair too hard whn it's wet, it's whn it's most vulnerable.
These are among the method, I've used %26amp; others who've hair probs. have tried %26amp; proven results.
Some even wash their hair w. vinegar weekly to get off the toxics %26amp; artificial ingredients %26amp; thn put egg white, honey, to moisturize it before washing it off.
Hope these helps.
Else if you've more $$$, you can consult specialist.
I relaxed my hair twice, apply hairspray everyday and blow dry, what to do to keep from thinning?
yea i think your using too many chemicals also what kind of hair spray are you using i use hair spray but not every day i use ganier hairsparys and also,to help you hair from thining take vitamin E to help keep your hair healty...and use a sood shampoo and conditener like: i use tresemme moisture rich and i love it,it also haves vitaminE in it too and i use pantene sheer voulme and it has chemicals/achol in it but i wash my hair once a week to keep it clean when buying a new hair product look on the back to see if whats in it
I relaxed my hair twice, apply hairspray everyday and blow dry, what to do to keep from thinning?
Why did you only apply the relaxer to your tips? Never use hair spray in your hair. It will cause the hair to become hard and dry and break off. Stop blow drying your hair. Using to much heat on your hair will cause it to dry out and break off.
Use Doo Gro Anti-Thinning Lotion and also get Doo Gro Thickening Oil . Both products work really great.
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