Saturday, November 28, 2009

White highlights for black hair?

Hello everyone! I have black hair and I really want white hair on the tips of the hairs on top of my hair. Many people think I am joking but I am not, I really want to highlight it. I've seen people with short black hair and blonde highlights, so I want white highlights on my short black hair too. Any suggestions to find white highlight products?

White highlights for black hair?

The chances of getting black hair white before it breaks off is about 1% And getting all of the ends white .005% Sorry it's just to hard on the hair to try and strip out that much pigment. Something that you might consider is getting white hair extensions that can be put in as highlights. Sorry for the bad news!

White highlights for black hair?

Cruella De'vil much?

White highlights for black hair?

get it done at a salon.

White highlights for black hair?

if it goes ok with ur skin(if ur not to pale) than go for it! white highlights and pale skin-not a good combo

White highlights for black hair?

whit ot will work

White highlights for black hair?

ugh umm i dont think thats such a good idea ya umm NO

White highlights for black hair?

you need to go to a salon and ask for bleach to bleach your hair fist. if you don't you get like an orange color. then ask them for the closest thing they have to white.

White highlights for black hair?

i say dont do it yourll look like curella deville

White highlights for black hair?

Personally i wouldnt highlight it white just for a couple of reasons first being that u would have to sit there for quite a while for ur hair to lift so many levels to a white, secondly it could seriously damage your hair making it brittle,dry, strawed etc

White highlights for black hair?

it will look horrible but what you do is use a chemical lightener such as bleach or a non-ammonia product by loreal professional (my fav) and lift the color by leaving it on under a heat lamp for fifteen minutes. then you color over the bleached/color stripped hair with white hair dye.

White highlights for black hair?


please get this professionally done. black hair is the most difficult to get light because of all the colors in your hair. colors that make up black hair... if you try this yourself you will get stuck in one of those colors and end up seeing a professional anyway. are you sure you want white? why not a nice blond? if you are wanting it white, for sure see a don't want to end up looking like a skunk's back by doing this yourself.

i hope this helped. :)

White highlights for black hair?

That is so awesome, but if you want to highlight ur hair white it can't just be the top of ur hair. You should put them in streaks of white. You have to go to a salon though, since you have black hair it's going to be hard to get some of those locks white. When you do this aim for a snow white color that will look cool.

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