Saturday, November 21, 2009

How can i get my hair to grow faster.I had long hair and i had to cut it because it was falling out

i was stressed. I have dry thick hair..any tips or advise on how i can help it grow. Ive been trimming it a lot to cut off the dead ends.

How can i get my hair to grow faster.I had long hair and i had to cut it because it was falling out because?

Increase your protein intake. Eat tuna, steak, eggs. It helps - mine fell out like that too - I lost over half of my hair %26amp; had awful bald spots - it has recovered %26amp; is now full %26amp; thick again. It takes a long time for it to recover because the new hair growth has to catch up to the hair already there. Good Luck.

How can i get my hair to grow faster.I had long hair and i had to cut it because it was falling out because?

your hair wont grow no faster then your body will let it

How can i get my hair to grow faster.I had long hair and i had to cut it because it was falling out because?

i guess u may try herbal products

How can i get my hair to grow faster.I had long hair and i had to cut it because it was falling out because?

Take prenatal vitamins....they make your hair and nails long and they thicken up your hair

How can i get my hair to grow faster.I had long hair and i had to cut it because it was falling out because?

eat alot of protein like peanut butter

How can i get my hair to grow faster.I had long hair and i had to cut it because it was falling out because?

You can use shampoo called Garnier Fructis Long Hair shampoo or somthing like that it works great on thick hair and gives your hair the nutrients to grow out.

How can i get my hair to grow faster.I had long hair and i had to cut it because it was falling out because?

,every evening before bed time pullll, pul, pul and it will grow faster

no ,that just an animation movie scene


How can i get my hair to grow faster.I had long hair and i had to cut it because it was falling out because?

Hair naturally grows 1/2" per month on average....Diet and vitamins can help it grow healthier (try biotin), but nothing is really credited with making your hair grow at an alarming rate short of hormones and pregnancy (possibly due to vitamins). Someone suggested taking prenatal vitamins, this is most probably harmless, just beware the added iron in these vitamins may cause constipation. Lucky for you it's warm weather (hopefully where you live)--hair does grow a bit faster in a warm climate due to better circulation--the blood supply can feed the hair shaft better when the blood is circulating better. The winter or cold months slow the growth process of both hair and nails.

How can i get my hair to grow faster.I had long hair and i had to cut it because it was falling out because?

take hair vitamins... it revitalizes dead hair and thickens the strands

How can i get my hair to grow faster.I had long hair and i had to cut it because it was falling out because?

if ur hair is falling off is maybe because u do ur hair at home(like washing it).if u r dont cause its gonna keep falling off.go to a salon tell them ur problem and theyll know wat 2 do.theyll maybe put a speacial treatment on it.

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