Saturday, November 21, 2009

How can I make my hair curly? How about just wavy? How do I use a curling iron?

My hair is naturally straight and sometimes i just wish I could do something else with it like make it wavy or curly or something. So could some people tell me how? Like the best ways how?

Also any other great hair styles, tips or secrets, would be awesome =]


How can I make my hair curly? How about just wavy? How do I use a curling iron?

i have the exact same problem as u. my hair is so strait and sumtimes i just wish it were wavy or curly. here is a wavy product that might help its called "garnier fiber gum" its in a green bottle. u just put it in ur hair after taking a shower when ur hair is still wet and u put ur hair in one big messy bun. leave it in till the next morning and then take it out and ur hair will be wavy. (if u put ur hair in pick tails afterwords it looks really cute) and next time u get ur hair cut, get like really dramatic layers, this give ur hair more body and when u curl, wave, or style it, it will stay longer.

How can I make my hair curly? How about just wavy? How do I use a curling iron?

You can wear your hair in french or just regular braids overnight. BUt put them in tight right after you have taken a shower. Also you can wear foam rollers overnight.

How can I make my hair curly? How about just wavy? How do I use a curling iron?

You could put some moose in ur hair.

Make sure your hair is yet and after you put the moose in scrunch the hair into a curl shape

How can I make my hair curly? How about just wavy? How do I use a curling iron?

Do you want it to stay wavy/curly all the time or just sometimes?Maybe a body wave would help which adds wave or can be done straight.

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