Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hair dye question?

Well I wanna dye the tips of my hair and VERY SMALL sections of my bangs pink. My hair is a dark light blonde color.

Is Manic Panic or Special Effects a good brand? Should I bleach my tips first?

Please help Im getting frusturated :/

Hair dye question?

Well having bozo the clown red hair myself I hope I can help. Yes bleach will help the color you put on not only be brighter but last longer. Its a damaging process though and you need to be willing to cut the ends off later since they could die. As for the dye itself I use "beyond zone" I believe its called, it holds pretty well. I could NEVER get manic panic to stick in my hair for more then 5 days so I don't use it anymore. Also if you dye your hair don't use suave shampoo, it will bleed your color out in two washings guaranteed!

Hair dye question?

alway bleach your tips so color comes out better. soo i think manic panic is better

Hair dye question?

Yes you should bleach the tips and yes Manic Panic is a good color. I would wear gloves so your hands don't get stained. If you only want the tips pink you could section your hair off into 2 - 3 inch sections and put a rubberband on each section as far up as you want the color. Then you'll know exactly where to stop and start putting the dye.

Hair dye question?

How to Pick the Right Hair Color based on your hair color and undertone to avoid color failure

How To Color Your Hair

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